Presentation / Webinar
K. Sitaramanjaneyulu and Pradeep Kumar
CSIR - Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi
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Development of Pavement Maintenance Management System for High Speed Road Corridors Using State–of-Art Technologies (Presentation 738)

Development of good road infrastructure and its efficient management is very important for economic and social development of any country. The benefits from the investment in road sector are indirect, long term and not immediately visible. A pavement which is not protected and maintained deteriorates fast and the society has to pay heavily for an inefficient and ill preserved road network. Over the years, as the nation’s economy started growing, users expectations and demand for better levels of service from roads have also been increasing. This situation demanded multi lane roads for high speed and better surface conditions for good riding at safe roads. Thus the available resources for maintenance shall be spent judiciously on scientific basis.

Pavement maintenance management systems have developed globally using advances in data collection and computing technologies. But most of the tools have been developed keeping in view the requirements of a particular highway agency, and the conditions prevailing in a particular country or a geographical region. Hence, these tools lack universal acceptance and applications. 

CSIR-Central Road Research Institute has successfully completed a research study and developed Pavement Maintenance Management System (PMMS) for high speed road corridors towards judicious allocation and prioritization of maintenance tasks/funds. This paper describes the methodology adopted for the development of PMMS for high speed road corridors, which includes details of type of data collected, hardware and software tools used for collecting and managing the data and integration to PMMS software.