This decision makers guidebook aims to help all those involved in decisions on land use and transport in cities throughout Europe whether as politicians, advisers, stakeholders, or individual citizens. This guidebook is a revised version of the guidebook published in 2003, based on the work of the PROSPECTS project (Procedures for Recommending Sustainable Planning of European City Transport Systems), a project funded under the European Commission’s Environment and Sustainable Development Programme. Some of the challenges which cities face are highlighted in this guidebook and a structured approach to tackling these challenges is suggested. At each stage it focuses on 2 questions: why an issue is important and what the options for tackling it are. This guidebook is supported by two others, a Methodological Guidebook, which explains how a particular option can be implemented, and a Policy Guidebook, which explains how particular policy instruments work. Whereas the Decision-Makers Guidebook provides politicians, senior officials, and the public with advice on planning and decision-making for a sustainable urban land use/transport system, the Methodological Guidebook is designed for planning professionals but is considerably more detailed on issues such as formulating objectives, defining indicators, setting targets, and formulating strategies. The Policy Guidebook is online and provides detailed information on the available policy instruments and their effects. This Decision-Makers Guidebook provides details on issues such as the decision-making context, approaches to decision-making, the identification of problems now and in the future, public participation, as well as implementation and monitoring.
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Guidelines and Manuals
Anthony May et al.
Published in
Submitted by
Peter Midgley, gTKP
Related theme(s)
Urban Mobility
Europe (EU)