Position Papers
Delhi Integrated Multi Modal Transit System Ltd.
Delhi Integrated Multi Modal Transit System Ltd. (India)
Published in
Submitted by
Peter Midgley, gTKP
Related theme(s)
Urban Mobility
Asia (AS)

Delhi BRT System – Lesson Learnt

The current BRT stretch is labeled as Pilot-A project where the buses are plying in the middle of
the road. The government has decided to put buses back on the left lane on the remaining
stretch from Moolchand to Delhi Gate and would be labeled as Pilot-B. Both the system (Pilot-A
and Pilot-B) will be mutually compared to decide the suitable model for Delhi roads. Thus, the
central or side lane is the real controversy behind Delhi BRT System. There are many lessons
that need to be learnt from the existing BRT Corridor. These lessons will not help to improve the
future corridors but will also increase its acceptability among different stakeholders – public,
media, commuters etc.