Overviews and Activity Reports
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Submitted by
Susanna Zammataro
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Environment & Climate Change, Finances & Economics
All Regions

Decoupling the Environmental Impacts of Transport from Economic Growth (Executive Summary)

This book illustrates that decoupling the environmental impacts of transport from economic growth is achievable, through the efficient use of charges, fees, taxes and other economic instruments. These economic approaches can complement regulatory measures to encourage a shift towards more environmentally-friendly modes of transport, such as from road to certain forms of rail transport. Other factors which could help to decouple transport impacts from economic growth are improvements in freight transport logistics, and dematerialisation. All of these approaches should be applied with particular attention to the circumstances and characteristics of individual countries; some instruments that fit well in one country might not be well adapted to others.

Link: Decoupling the Environmental Impacts of Transport from Economic Growth (Executive Summary)

Link (French): L’impact environnemental des transports : Comment le découpler de la croissance économique (Synthèse)