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COVID-19 and Urban Passenger Transport Services

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unparalleled consequences to urban passenger transport services. The impact on the different urban mobility modes is widespread but a common denominator has been the decline of ridership across all modes. Urban transport workers are serving those who serve: hospital, care and other critical service workers. Yet, they can find themselves at the forefront of service provision during the pandemic and may be at high risk of illness. This policy brief seeks to summarize the issues relating to COVID-19 and urban passenger transport workers. The brief discusses the mains impacts of the pandemic in the sector. It also includes information on the tripartite and sectoral measures that employers, workers and governments have taken to support the sector and its workers, and on the ILO’s principles and tools, including international labour standards.

This document can be found on ILO’s Publications page by clicking on the link below: 
