General Knowledge
Chris Nash, Tom Sansom, Bryan Matthews
European Commission
Published in
Submitted by
Olim Latipov
Related theme(s)
Finances & Economics
Europe (EU)

Concerted Action on Transport Pricing Research Integration (CAPRI)

The Concerted Action on Transport Pricing Research Integration (CAPRI) was commissioned to facilitate the exchange of information and results from research projects dealing with the pricing of transport. The project ran from January 1998 to December 1999. The key objectives of CAPRI were: To aid dissemination of research results to Member States and other parties; to present a syntheses of research findings; to facilitate discussion and debate of research findings; and by identifying areas of agreement and disagreement, to attempt to build up a consensus on the policy implications of this research. In addition to drawing on the reports of pricing-related projects in the European Commission’s 4th Framework Programme, research evidence was put forward by researchers and civil servants from the EU, Norway, Switzerland, the USA and a number of Accession Countries. The implications of the synthesis of research findings were extensively discussed in four meetings during the course of CAPRI. Conclusions are grouped according to six themes: Recommendation for pricing principles – for infrastructure use by all modes; Recommendations on valuations of externalities; Road pricing – urban and inter-urban; Rail and other public transport; Air transport; and, Conclusions on likely impacts of implementing efficient pricing.

Concerted Action on Transport Pricing Research Integration (CAPRI)