Case Studies
German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ)
Published in
Submitted by
Susanna Zammataro
Related theme(s)
Environment & Climate Change, Urban Mobility
All Regions

Clean Air in Cities: Guidance and Case Studies

“Traffic jams, polluted roads, funding crises; an absence of parks, walkways and public spaces; spiralling car and motorcycle use, ever-greater burdens on the poor, and less liveable cities. All this is increasingly familiar to people living in developing cities. Moreover, these problems are getting worse rather than better with economic development. The Sourcebook contains 20 printed modules in the form of booklets around 20 to 30 pages long. Each module draws upon the experience of GTZ and others in developing cities and is a collaborative exercise with generous input from contributors who are leading experts in their field. The Sourcebook is intended for policymakers and their advisors and those involved in transport planning and regulation in developing cities. This audience is reflected in the contents. As well as capacity development for policy-makers and regulators, the Sourcebook can form the basis of a sustainable transport training curriculum in developing cities and will be a valuable resource to educators, civil society groups and other stakeholders.”

Link: Clean Air in Cities: Guidance and Case Studies