General Knowledge
Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities Center (CAI-Asia) and Cities Development Initiative for Asia (CDIA).
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jean-rene BERRENGER
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Environment & Climate Change
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Change Plans and Infrastructure in Asian Cities, a Survey of Plans and Priorities

The objectives of the survey of Asian cities are to determine:

  • The status of climate change and other relevant plans for Asian cities and their focus on climate change adaptation versus mitigation.
  • Where demand for climate change related infrastructure projects exists based on these plans.
  • The role of development agencies and other development partners in prioritizing, planning and investing in urban infrastructure.
  • The study consisted of surveying the existence of climate change plans for 894 Asian cities and their countries, including a more detailed analysis of other relevant plans for 139 cities. To put these results in a broader perspective, this survey was supplemented with a review of selected other websites and publications and an analysis of priorities of international financial institutions (IFIs) and selected other development partners.