This report briefly summarizes the information related to Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) developments in China collected through independent research and a visit to China from April 17-26, 2006 as part of FTA Public Transportation Trade Mission. The purpose of NBRTI’s participation in the mission was to visit operational BRT systems and to meet with organizations engaged in BRT planning or operations in China. By establishing initial contact with such organizations, a channel of communications has been opened to exchange information and allow for future cooperation on common problems or programs. Specifically, it is hoped that data from BRT systems in China can be included in the update of the FTA publication, “Characteristics of Bus Rapid Transit for Decision Making,” to expand the understanding of viable systems and the range of possible performance, cost and benefits. This report also synthesizes the relevant background on China’s institutions, demographic and economic growth, policies and initial data on BRT systems in China in operations and planning. It concludes with observations and recommendations for future cooperation in areas of common interest.
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Position Papers
Georges Darido
National Bus Rapid Transit Institute (NBRTI), Federal Transit Administration (USA)
Published in
Submitted by
Peter Midgley, gTKP
Related theme(s)
Urban Mobility
Asia (AS)