The main objective of this study was to asses the applicability of one specific simplified travel demand model as a tool for strategic transport network planning. In addition, an answer was sought to the question: ‘can a simplified model be developed not requiring the use of licensed software, that can be utilised by competent municipal engineers in developing cities as a forecasting tool to assist transport network planning?’ A special concern was that the model must, in a transparent way, include all modes of travel (walking, where relevant two-wheelers, public transport modes and private motor vehicles), and allow to investigate the implications of different modal split scenario’s that include pedestrian and bicycle traffic. The reason for this concern is that these modes, and pedestrian traffic in particular, serve the majority of travellers in many low-income cities, and that therefore the use of the standard travel demand model with a focus on private car travel or the car/public transport modal choice is less suitable.
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Position Papers
Binyam Bedelu & Marius de Langen
World Transport Policy & Practice Vol 14 No 2, Eco-Logica (UK)
Published in
Submitted by
Peter Midgley, gTKP
Related theme(s)
Urban Mobility
Africa (AFR)