The purpose of this guidance document is to inform national governments in developing and emerging economies about some of the current sources of international funding that are available and that could be used to support national efforts to improve vehicle fuel efficiency. It provides an introduction to how national governments in developing countries can access the international financial mechanisms listed.
The intention in publishing this guidance is to provide a practical and concise ‘reference of first resort’ for all those engaged professionally or otherwise in securing funding to promote vehicle fuel economy. In doing so it aims to increase awareness and understanding of the breadth of support that is available.
This report has been developed under the Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI).1 The GFEI is a partnership of the FIA Foundation, IEA, ITF and UNEP. It is working to promote debate and discussion about the improvement of vehicle fuel economy. A key component of this outreach involves providing support and guidance to a number of developing countries. This capacity building work aims to encourage vehicle fuel economy improvements, support associated policy-making activities, and analyse the potential impact of such activities.
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General Knowledge
Naberezhnykh, Denis and Binsted, Anne
Transport Research Laboratory
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melinda matyas
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