Presentation / Webinar
Mehdi Mokhber, J. Hedayati and Nikkhan
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Road Safety
All Regions

A New Model to Identify High-Risk Corridors for Safety Measures within Iranian Roads Network (Presentation 614)

From the managerial perspective, it is inevitable to devise an operational plan based on top priorities due to limited resources, diversity of measures and high costs needed to improve safety in infrastructure. From the perspective of safety management, top priority is given to measures leaving ‎maximum effects, at macro-level, on reducing mortality and casualties caused by traffic ‎accidents.‎
Dealing with the high-risk corridors across Iran, this study prioritized the corridors according to statistical data on accidents involving fatalities, injury or damage over three consecutive years. In collaboration with the Iranian Police Department, data were collected and modified. Then, the prioritization criteria were specified based on the expertise opinions and international standards. In this study, the prioritization criteria included accident severity and accident density. Finally, the criteria were standardized and weighted (equal weights) to score each high-risk corridor. The prioritization phase involved the scoring and weighting procedure. The high-risk corridors were divided into twelve groups out of 50. The results of data analysis for a three-year span suggested that the first three groups (150 corridors) along with a quarter of Iranian road network length (excluding rural areas) account for nearly 60% of traffic accidents.