General Knowledge
Tesfamichael N. Mitiku
The World Bank
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Submitted by
Bossidy Paul
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Finances & Economics
Africa (AFR)
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A Framework for Pro-Growth, Pro-Poor Transport Strategy

A pro-growth, pro-poor transport strategy (PGPTS) responsive to the second generation poverty reduction strategies and the millennium development goals (MDGs) are essential instruments to promote transport development that facilitates economic growth and poverty reduction. The purpose of this document is to highlight possible options for the development of a PGPTS. It identifies the questions that need to be asked and the choices that need to be made in framing such a strategy. It offers, at each stage, a checklist of issues for consideration and some examples of good practices. Its aim is to encourage policy-makers and planners to adopt a structured approach to assessing gaps, defining sectoral vision and goals, and mapping transport interventions and policy changes required to anchor transport in growth and poverty reduction.