Overviews and Activity Reports
Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California
Published in
Submitted by
Susanna Zammataro
Related theme(s)
Environment & Climate Change
USA and Canada (USC)

80in50 Scenarios for Deep Reductions in Greenhouse Gas Emissions from California Transportation: Meeting an 80% Reduction Goal in 2050

The goal of this study is to identify technology and other potential options for meeting this ambitious, long-term goal in the transportation sector, including light-duty, heavy-duty, agricultural, off-road, rail, aircraft, and marine vehicles. The analysis focuses on three main areas: travel demand, fuel efficiency and fuel carbon intensity. The study highlights the various options that could be used to meet the emission reduction targets and creates “snapshots” of option combinations that allow the state to meet the targets across the various transportation modes. The extent to which advanced vehicles and alternative fuels can contribute to greenhouse gas reduction goals are elucidated, and additional steps that may have to be taken in the transportation sector are characterized. The study is based upon spreadsheet models of the transport sector, which are used to help identify the challenges, potential benefits, and trade-offs for alternative fuel vehicles and other options associated with meeting the transport-related greenhouse goals for California.

Link: 80in50 Scenarios for Deep Reductions in Greenhouse Gas Emissions from California Transportation: Meeting an 80% Reduction Goal in 2050