General Knowledge
Schrank, Lomax and Turner
Texas Transportation Institute
Published in
Submitted by
Caroline Visser
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Urban Mobility
All Regions

2010 Urban Mobility Report

The 2010 Urban Mobility Report, published by the Texas Transportation Institute at Texas A&M University, paints the most accurate picture yet of traffic congestion in the 439 U.S. urban areas. Thanks to the wealth of speed data provided by INRIX, a leading private-sector provider of travel time information, the current report offers a greatly enhanced picture of congestion on a city-by-city basis.

After two years of slight declines in overall traffic congestion – attributable to the economic downturn and high fuel prices – leading indicators suggest that as the economy rebounds, traffic problems are doing the same. Highlights from the research illustrate the effects of the nation’s traffic problems:

  • Congestion costs continue to rise: measured in constant 2009 dollars, the cost of congestion has risen from $24 billion in 1982 to $115 billion in 2009.
  • The total amount of wasted fuel in 2009 topped 3.9 billion gallons – equal to 130 days of flow in the Alaska Pipeline.
  • Cost to the average commuter: $808 in 2009, compared to an inflation-adjusted $351 in 1982.
  • Yearly peak delay for the average commuter was 34 hours in 2009, up from 14 hours in 1982.
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